The most perfect lift devices 2.000-12.500 kg
that have ever been invented *)
GPL® Goods-Passenger Lifts
of loads from 900 to 12.500 kg and higher provide transportation of goods and accompanying persons. As a rule, the GPL-lifts of higher loads are adapted for loading / unloading by means of forklifts. The lifts are equipped with direct drives with two or four EC type pistons (telescopic with mechanical synchronization) or TCS (for narrow shafts) pistons. If it is necessary, the pawl devices are used additionally to stabilize the lift cabin’s floor during loading with forklifts.It is best described by the shaft utilization coefficient:
that has the biggest value out of all standard goods-passenger lifts. The shaft walls are characterized by light construction because forces are concentrated mainly on the shaft bottom and do not require dilatation.
The biggest of the standard lifts is SUPER – GPL® (S-VL®) of loads from 6.000 to 12.500 kg. The cabin dimensions WxD 3,4 x 6,0 m and with door WxH 3,0 x 2,6 m enable the lift free loading/unloading by means of forklifts. In case of special orders, GMV works out also a non-stardard lifting devices and special lifts of very big loads (more than 10 tons). The lift engine room can be located in any place, ever far away from the shaft.
Important parameter - force on the cabin’s sill Fs
Goods-passenger lifts must meet strict requirements because they work in severe conditions. They not only transport weighs of several tons, but the loading is carried out by means of such devices as pallet trucks or massive fork-lifts. The design of key structure elements should be strong enough to withstand forces and torques (Ts). Normally, the characteristics include such parameters as load capacity and dimensions of the cabin and doors. However, the usefulness of a lift to work hard determines the force on the cabin’s sill. In the case of load capacity equal or higher than 2500 kg, the lift standard recommends to take into the consideration the Fs force equal to:
- 60% of the rated load Q (e.g. loaded by pallet trucks), in KG
- 85% of the rated load Q (loaded by fork-lifts)
Fs = 0,6 • Q
Example: Q=3000 kg, minimum force on the sill Fs = 1800 kG.
Fs = 0,85 • Q
Example: Q=4000 kg, minimum force on the sill Fs = 3400 kG.
The fulfillment of these conditions is not easy. It requires not only the direct drive 1:1, but also proper carframe design and cabin’s floor sills. Despite above requirements included in the lift standard, many manufacturers are not able to provide lifts with the right force values on the cabin’s sill. One should pay particular attention to it at the stage of selecting the right solution.
In many factories in the world, there are operating inappropriate goods-passenger lifts. Once they run for the first time, it turns out that they can be loaded only with small devices and despite the large cabins, they are often overloaded. Incorrect selection of right lifts in a factory usually reflects its lower efficiency.
The range of GMV goods-passenger lifts parameters is huge, so you should take advantage of our experience.
*)A great advantage over other technical solutions – in particular over traction goods lifts:
Technology and functionality
- The direct drive using a unique in the world technique GMV 1:1 Technology.
- Telescopic pistons type EC/TCS of GMV Sweden AB production with 100 percent synchronization impacting the lift operation and longevity (impossible to be reached by other solutions).
- Very high value of the maximum force on the cabin’s door sill allowing the forklifts loading the lifts from 2 tons on.
- High durability and reliability due to the small number of parts (including rotating ones).
- Low operating and maintenance cost.
- Simple and ultra light construction in comparison with other electric and hydraulic vehicle lifts.
- Exceptionally small size of the lift shaft with respect to the cabin’s dimensions.
- Minimum pit of 1,0 m.
- Exceptionally stable cabin’s floor position during vehicles entering – it is not possible to be achieved in case the lift car is mounted on ropes (hydraulic 1:2 and traction 4:1 goods lifts ).
- Standard load range from 2,0 up to 12,5 t and optional over 12,5 t.
- High resistance to asymmetrical loading of the cabin.
- Possibility of increasing load capacity at constant cabin size.
- Central door enabling quick and safe loading.
- Material-saving construction of the GPL-lift, low total weight (even by 40-60% lower in comparison with other electric and hydraulic goods lifts), what means also lower energy consumption needed to manufacture and transport the lift.
Hp = 10 m, 4 stops
- A small number of parts of which the lift is built.
- Low demand for spare parts due to high durability and reliability.
- Light and material-saving shaft construction thanks to forces concentration on the shaft bottom.
- No drive with permanent magnets, the production of which is exceptionally energy-consuming and their utilization is difficult and expensive.
- Low energy consumption.
- More than 60 years of experience in hydraulic lifts construction.
- No massive units (a drive and a counterweight) over the lift cabin.
- No ropes on which the lift cabin is mounted.
- Machinery room is located in a separate place what secures safe assembly and maintenance.
The GPL® Goods-Passenger Lifts with the GMV 1:1 Technology are used in the buildings in which there is a need to transport heavy large-size goods and/or persons. The GMV lifts are the perfect solutions in multilevel store buildings and production plants. The GMV solutions integrate horizontal and vertical migrations of goods into one effective and very efficient internal logistic system.
The selection of a proper goods-passenger lift must be always preceded by a deep analysis of possibilities and needs of a future user. Store buildings and production plants do not function without forklifts and that is why the goods-passenger lifts of large-size cabins and high loads should be adapted for entering of such type loading equipment fully loaded.
One distinguishes 4 working modes of the goods-passenger lifts:
I. Direct mode
The minimum force on the cabin’s sill, by lift standard EN 81-2, equals Fs = 0,85·Q (for load Q ≥ 2500 kg).
II. Sequential mode
The minimum force on the cabin’s sill Fs = 0,85·Q (for Q ≥ 2500 kg).
III. Alternating mode
In case of loading the cabin by means of palette trucks, the minimum force on the cabin’s sill equals Fs = 0,6·Q (for Q ≥ 2500 kg).
The alternating mode is of low effectiveness because almost always the real load is much lower than nominal one. This difference can reach even up to several tones. Note: there exists a high risk of attempts to load with forklifts the lifts which are not adapted to such loading. That is why GMV recommends for operation in the alternating mode the lifts with small-size cabin which cannot be entered by the forklifts.
IV. Simple mode
For loads less than 2500 kg the lift standard recommends force on the sill Fs = 0,4·Q.
GMV delivers the GPL® lifts that operate in all 4 modes. The great majority of competitive companies offer goods-passenger lifts that operate only in the alternating and simple modes (hydraulic goods-passenger 1:1 and 1:2 lifts and traction goods-passenger lifts including traction MRL ones).
Thanks to unique GMV 1:1 Technology GMV has been a leader in the GPL - lift solutions for many years.